C-me Colour Profiling

Enabling You to get the very Best from Yourself, Your Team and the World around You.

Development That Truly Comes To Life

We are extremely proud to be able to provide the fantastic C-me Colour Profiling and 360 Feedback development tools. These tools allow people to not only discover how to get the best from themselves, but also their team and those they interact with every day. Focussing on preferred behaviour rather than personality, both tools provide extremely valuable insights that enable Leaders and Teams to communicate more effectively, develop better relationships, achieve more sales and build and lead more engaged, productive and high performing teams. Most crucially, they enable Leaders and Teams to excel at what comes naturally.

Uncannily Accurate

Underpinned by years of research, development work and practical learning, C-me is a phenomenal development tool that’s easy to understand, very memorable and uses the colourful language of Red, Yellow, Green and Blue to bring the insights to life. C-me is also extremely adaptable, and when used in conjunction with our other services, either in a team workshop setting, or on a one-to-one coaching basis, it will always meet your specific needs and requirements and help you to get the results that you want and need.

What Makes C-me Colour Profiling Different?

c-me colour profiling

What Colours Are You?

What C-me Will Give You

The C-me Colour Profiling development tools will help you and your organisation improve in many areas, particularly those that matter the most.
In particular, they will enable you to have amazing internal communication, resulting in a thriving company culture that’s built on real understanding. The tools will also enable you to acquire a greater understanding of yourself, your people, your strengths and how to harness natural abilities so that you have consistently high-performing Leaders, Managers and Teams, resulting in better performance, more sales and more productive and successful engagements with colleagues, clients, suppliers and partners alike.

Example High Performance Report

c me colour profiling